January 2021 1 131 Report
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Today, I'll talk about Emmanuel Eboué.
Emmanuel Eboué was born on June, the fourth, , nineteen eighty-three in Abidjan. He is an Ivorian international footballer who plays to the post of defender.

Professional career :

First of all, I would like to talk about the career of this footballer.

from 2001 to 2002, emmanuel played in an Ivorian club: ASEC Ibidjan
from 2002 to 2004, he played in a Belgian club: KSK Beveren
from 2004 to 2011, he played in an English club : Arsenal.
On August, the seventeenth , 2011, Eboué signed a contract with Galatasaray, the transaction amounting to 3 million euros. He played for 4 years in Galatasaray

And finally, in 2016, he played in an English club : Sunderland.

At the beginning of his career Emmanuel is a player of future but still beginner to be a first-team player.

La partie à traduire est celle-ci :

Mais cela ne dura pas longtemps car il remplaça un joueur blessé et devint à ce moment là titulaire. Il fut un très bon défenseur et il marqua sa carrière principalement en jouant dans le club anglais : Arsenal. Il est ensuite élu meilleur joueur du Championnat pour le mois de septembre 2006 avant d'être stoppé par une blessure. A cause de cette blessure, Eboué est contraint à réduire son temps de jeu au cours de l'année 2010. Eboue a été suspendu pendant un an par la FIFA pour avoir manqué de payer un agent. Son contrat à Sunderland a été suspendu et il s’est retrouvé sans emploi. Eboue se retrouvait dans une situation difficile. Alors que sa femme était restée à ses côtés durant cette période, cette dernière a fini par obtenir le divorce. Une situation qui a ruiné Eboue. Aurélie ayant obtenu la garde des enfants et plusieurs biens du joueur, ruina Emmanuel et il finit à la rue. Eboué avait tenté de se suicider plusieurs fois.

Solution :
Face à la situation de son ancien joueur, Fatih Terim a décidé d'agir. À peine réinstallé sur le banc de Galatasaray, l'entraîneur aurait proposé à Éboué un poste d'entraîneur des moins de 14 ans du club.

Je pense que la solidarité qu'il y a eu pour aider cette homme en difficulté est exemplaire. Je suis vraiment très contente que cette homme est put s'en sortir. J'espère que cette situation pourra être un exemple pour les gens et qu'elle permettra une aide au sans abris du monde entier.
J'aimerai aussi dénoncer le comportement de sa femme. Je trouve sa vraiment ignoble qu'une femme quitte son mari , lui prennes tout son argent et ne lui permette même pas de voir ses enfants. Ces le droit du père de voir ses enfants et la place d'un père est irremplaçable.
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Bonjour, pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes d'orthographe en anglais s'il vous plait Merci d'avance Immigrants from Latin America represent 18% of the population of the United States. Hispanic migrants are generally found in California (13 100 000), Texas (8 000 000), Puerto Rico (4 000 000), Florida (3 700 000), New York (3 000 000), Illinois (2 000 000) and Arizona (2 000 000). Hispanics are the second-fastest growing demographic group after Asians. In some states of the United States such as California, the number of Hispanic migrants is the majority compared to Americans who decline. Latinos are willing to cross the border at any cost because citizens hope to have a better life in America and escape the misery of South America. There are many social and economic problems in Latin America. These problems lead to migration. At the social level, Latin children have problems with education. Either they are too poor to go to school or the government does not have enough money to open schools. For the economic problems we can take the example of Venezuela. This country has many economic, political but also social problems. Indeed, at the economic level, the country suffers an inflation that deprives the population of purchasing power. In addition, Latinos are mostly unemployed in their countries and if they find a job, they are poorly paid for the work they provide. We can also say that the countries of Latin America are often very unstable at the political level. People know or have known many dictatorships like the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile which lead to the migration of populations to democratic countries like the USA. The conditions are horrible and very hard. First, migrants cross borders with the help of smugglers. In some cases, the trip is too expensive and migrants can not pay or on the contrary they manage to pay but they are deceived by smugglers. There are also geographical conditions that are very hard for migrants. Indeed, they have to cross deserts, rivers, etc. They have to walk very long, have water supplies in the desert because many die because of dehydration. In my opinion, immigration is something that is frowned upon by the world because people are afraid of the unknown. I have always thought and still think that immigration is not an easy choice for migrants. These people leave their countries, their habits, their dailies, their friends, their families etc and this decision is not a choice in most cases. They are very often forced to leave their country because of war, famine, poverty, etc. They are simply looking for a better life and hope to arrive in a country where the opportunities are better but they are very often rejected as for example, in the USA, people are waiting for migrants at the border to threaten them with weapons. Hispanic migrants cross a dangerous path to hope for a better life in the USA and in the end it is disappointment because they are rejected from everywhere. Moreover, even if they manage to enter America, they are badly integrated, they sleep on the street, they are exploited and suffer worse conditions than in their countries of origin.
Bonsoir, pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes d'orthographe en anglais s'il vous plait Merci d'avance Immigrants from Latin America represent 18% of the population of the United States. Hispanic migrants are generally found in California (13 100 000), Texas (8 000 000), Puerto Rico (4 000 000), Florida (3 700 000), New York (3 000 000), Illinois (2 000 000) and Arizona (2 000 000).Hispanics are the second-fastest growing demographic group after Asians. In some states of the United States such as California, the number of Hispanic migrants is the majority compared to Americans who decline.Latinos are willing to cross the border at any cost because citizens hope to have a better life in America and escape the misery of South America. There are many social and economic problems in Latin America. These problems lead to migration. At the social level, Latin children have problems with education. Either they are too poor to go to school or the government does not have enough money to open schools. For the economic problems we can take the example of Venezuela. This country has many economic, political but also social problems. Indeed, at the economic level, the country suffers an inflation that deprives the population of purchasing power. In addition, Latinos are mostly unemployed in their countries and if they find a job, they are poorly paid for the work they provide. We can also say that the countries of Latin America are often very unstable at the political level. People know or have known many dictatorships like the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile which lead to the migration of populations to democratic countries like the USA.The conditions are horrible and very hard. First, migrants cross borders with the help of smugglers. In some cases, the trip is too expensive and migrants can not pay or on the contrary they manage to pay but they are deceived by smugglers. There are also geographical conditions that are very hard for migrants. Indeed, they have to cross deserts, rivers, etc. They have to walk very long, have water supplies in the desert because many die because of dehydration.In my opinion, immigration is something that is frowned upon by the world because people are afraid of the unknown. I have always thought and still think that immigration is not an easy choice for migrants. These people leave their countries, their habits, their dailies, their friends, their families etc and this decision is not a choice in most cases. They are very often forced to leave their country because of war, famine, poverty, etc. They are simply looking for a better life and hope to arrive in a country where the opportunities are better but they are very often rejected as for example, in the USA, people are waiting for migrants at the border to threaten them with weapons. Hispanic migrants cross a dangerous path to hope for a better life in the USA and in the end it is disappointment because they are rejected from everywhere. Moreover, even if they manage to enter America, they are badly integrated, they sleep on the street, they are exploited and suffer worse conditions than in their countries of origin.

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