Bonsoir pouvais vous m'aidez pour un devoir en ANGLAIS svp! Alors , il faudrait faire un récit de maximum 20 lignes , un récit d'une bêtise enfantine / adolescente (on a le droit d’inventer)
During my childhood I made a big mistake! I doctored my bad notte lest my parents are angry. I therefore decided to hide it under my bed. Two hours later my mother decided to do the cleaning in my room. Five minutes later, she looks under my bed and she says:
What is it?? It is your sheets of exam??
Is it your scripture?
I say it:No mom I'm sorry mom!
She says :You will be deprived of TV for a week.
I say:Yes mom forgives I was afraid you yelling at me.
She says with a gentle way:It is better to tell the truth than to lie out of fear or uncertainty. Mum, I Do not agree it again.
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During my childhood I made a big mistake! I doctored my bad notte lest my parents are angry. I therefore decided to hide it under my bed. Two hours later my mother decided to do the cleaning in my room. Five minutes later, she looks under my bed and she says:
What is it?? It is your sheets of exam??
Is it your scripture?
I say it:No mom I'm sorry mom!
She says :You will be deprived of TV for a week.
I say:Yes mom forgives I was afraid you yelling at me.
She says with a gentle way:It is better to tell the truth than to lie out of fear or uncertainty. Mum, I Do not agree it again.
She says : I m proud of you my darling ❤️
J'espère t'avoir aidé