Bonjour à tous, j'ai besoin d'aide pour un dm d'anglais voici la consigne : rédigez un paragraphe dans lequel vous parlez sur la différence entre le passé et le futur dans le style de vie ( vêtements , nourritures ....)
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In the past people, did not live as we live now on the contrary to warm it was fire the clothes was courtesy the houses were made of stone at the time there were kings. In the future there will be more technologies developed electric cars virtual headsets to the real or conversely the clothes. Will be more like before the food in the past was meat and potatoes had to work. To have them while in the future we have more things at our disposal vegetable stores that are directly send and uncultivated.
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In the future there will be more technologies developed electric cars virtual headsets to the real or conversely the clothes. Will be more like before the food in the past was meat and potatoes had to work. To have them while in the future we have more things at our disposal vegetable stores that are directly send and uncultivated.