It was first broadcast in the worldwide on July, 15 2016.
Why is she so special ?
She is so special because she has power. Indeed, she has telekinetic power and she can manipulate the bodies of living creatures.
Sum up the story :
In a small town called Hawkins, a young boy disappears. Then, a strange girl appears, she try to escape from Hawkins laboratory. The laboratory is researching supernatural phenomena and might have unlocked a gateway to another dimension.
Do you like or dislike this series ? Justify your opinion. (je vais donner mon point de vue, tu peux changer si ce n'est pas le tien)
I really liked this series because the music and the sets were very good. The actors played very well and the plot was so interesting.
Your favorite do you spend watching series ?
My favorites series are [ici, tu peux mettre les séries que tu passes ton temps à regarder]
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Bonjour :)
Réponse :
What sort of serie is it ?
It's a science fiction horror serie.
When and where was it first broadcast ?
It was first broadcast in the worldwide on July, 15 2016.
Why is she so special ?
She is so special because she has power. Indeed, she has telekinetic power and she can manipulate the bodies of living creatures.
Sum up the story :
In a small town called Hawkins, a young boy disappears. Then, a strange girl appears, she try to escape from Hawkins laboratory. The laboratory is researching supernatural phenomena and might have unlocked a gateway to another dimension.
Do you like or dislike this series ? Justify your opinion. (je vais donner mon point de vue, tu peux changer si ce n'est pas le tien)
I really liked this series because the music and the sets were very good. The actors played very well and the plot was so interesting.
Your favorite do you spend watching series ?
My favorites series are [ici, tu peux mettre les séries que tu passes ton temps à regarder]
En espérant t'avoir aidé !
it's a fantasy, science fiction kind of serie.
It was in New York, october 27th
She is so special because she has supernatural power.
et la suite c'est ton avis que tu dois donner donc je ne peux pas le faire à ta place mais je peux toujours t'aider si tu as besoin d'aide. :)
Do you like or dislike this series ? Justify your opinion .