bonjour, c'est vraiment préssé. Je dois faire un discours en anglais voici la consigne : Je rédige un discours pour rendre hommage, célébrer la communauté noire et sensibiliser sur le racisme - Je réemploie le prétérit et le present perfect - J’utilise la voix passive - J’organise l’enchaînement de mon discours avec des mots de liaison - Je réemploie le vocabulaire vu en classe - Je m’appuie sur des connaissances historiques précises C'est pour demain matin et je n'y arrive pas aider moi je suis un peu nulle en anglais :)
Good morning everyone. Today, I am honored to address you in order to render a tribute to the black community and raise awareness of racism.
Throughout history, the black community has faced oppression, discrimination and violence. From the trans-Atlantic slave trade, segregation and the civil rights movement, black people have been subjected to prejudice and mistreatment.
It is now time for us to recognize their strength and resilience, and to show our support for the cause. We must acknowledge the struggle of African-Americans and the generations of those who have been fighting against racial injustice.
In recent years, we have seen a surge in activism and a powerful movement for change. We must continue to speak up and take action against racism. We must come together to support our black brothers and sisters and create a more equitable society.
We must remember our past, honor our present and work towards a better future. Let’s pledge to stand in solidarity with the black community and fight racism in all its forms.
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Good morning everyone. Today, I am honored to address you in order to render a tribute to the black community and raise awareness of racism.
Throughout history, the black community has faced oppression, discrimination and violence. From the trans-Atlantic slave trade, segregation and the civil rights movement, black people have been subjected to prejudice and mistreatment.
It is now time for us to recognize their strength and resilience, and to show our support for the cause. We must acknowledge the struggle of African-Americans and the generations of those who have been fighting against racial injustice.
In recent years, we have seen a surge in activism and a powerful movement for change. We must continue to speak up and take action against racism. We must come together to support our black brothers and sisters and create a more equitable society.
We must remember our past, honor our present and work towards a better future. Let’s pledge to stand in solidarity with the black community and fight racism in all its forms.
Thank you for your time and attention.