January 2021 1 65 Report
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes svp ?
C'est de l'anglais, c'est une fiche pour le bac.
Merci d'avance

Notion : Idea of Progress
I’m going to present to you the notion of Progress. The notion of progress is the idea that the world can be enhanced in terms of science, technology, rights and quality of life. Progress implies changes in the way of life, traditions and vision of world. We studied the notion of progress in the scientific field. But should we fear progress? In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen four documents. For beginning I speak of the useless of scientific progress. Then I explain the scientific progress can be unethical.
On the one hand, scientific progress is essential. Because it cans compensate the nature for example more and more body parts are replaced thanks to bionics. That’s the story of Professor Hugh Herr. When he was a young man he had a terrible climbing accident: he was caught in a blizzard for four days and suffered severe frost bite. So his doctor couldn’t save his legs which had to be amputated. Consequently he was equipped with artificial structures and he said thanks to the technology, it would be possible. The scientific progress can make too our lives easier. We have seen that with the Doctor Kaku in a video. It shows a driverless car, we see Doctor Kaku sitting in an intelligent car which can drive itself. He doesn’t need to steer or press the accelerator sine it uses a GPS and lasers sensors to find its way. I have the feeling that a good progress because with this people can do anything else when they had many time on the road, in fact they can work or sleep so I guess that was a Time saving.
On the other hand, scientific progress is not always morally acceptable. In fact many time the progress go too far because it changes the people. Like with the PGD. We have hear an audio document who explain what is the Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis or more simply PGD. That consists in screening the embryo to avoid diseases. But it could also be used for gender selection or to allow parents to choose their babies' traits. That was controversial because it causes discrimination against the handicapped and PGD can cause inequality between wealthy and poor people. The author wants to draw our attention to scientific progress isn’t always a good things and I agree with him because I think that was discrimination and with this procedure can create a subpopulation of perfect babies. Or with the shocking progress, this treatment was explain in a text. And it consists in wearing a brain stimulating cap, its uses to improve intellectual performances. Many people including me and that what explains the narrator, are scared of the side effects and we think it’s dangerous and unethical because only rich people could afford it.
To conclude, it is undeniable that progress is essential for many different reasons it cans save many lives, eradicates genetic diseases. However, there can also be many disadvantages and the progress can sometimes hurt. That’s why we must be very careful and set up limits and rules. We shouldn’t fear progress as long as scientists bear in mind ethical considerations

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