1½ one and a half
10m x 3m ten metres long by three metres wide
2.66$ two dollars sixty-six
53rd the thirty-third
2001 two thousand and one
67th the sixty-seventh
263-3847 je ne sais pas ce que cela veut dire
1,325,476 one million three hundred and twenty-five thousand four
hundred and seventy-six
½ one half
2³ two cubed
2⁴ two to the fourth (power)
32% thirty-two per cent
8.3 eight point three
£32,53 ?
1975 (date) nineteen seventy-five
⅔ two thirds
21st the twenty-first
3² three squared
2nd the second
3/4 three-fourths
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1½ one and a half
10m x 3m ten metres long by three metres wide
2.66$ two dollars sixty-six
53rd the thirty-third
2001 two thousand and one
67th the sixty-seventh
263-3847 je ne sais pas ce que cela veut dire
1,325,476 one million three hundred and twenty-five thousand four
hundred and seventy-six
½ one half
2³ two cubed
2⁴ two to the fourth (power)
32% thirty-two per cent
8.3 eight point three
£32,53 ?
1975 (date) nineteen seventy-five
⅔ two thirds
21st the twenty-first
3² three squared
2nd the second
3/4 three-fourths