More and more immigrants are coming to the United States illegally, and they are coming in different ways, for different reasons. We will interview an anonymous immigrant and find out more about his "journey".
This is the BBC, for this exclusive interview.
-Good morning, sir! So you travelled went to the United States, right?
-Right, I've went to the US illegally.
-How did you went there ?
-I've crossed the border, but I can't give you any more details about that... to guarantee my anonymity, you understand?
-I guess that it was a really hard time to cross it, am I right ?
-Yeah, it was very difficult to keep calm... but now I'm here, I am so relieved !
-Right... So for how much time have you been here, in the US ?
-Well, I'm in the US since 6 months.
-From what country where you ?
-Mexico, I was from Mexico, I was living in Tijuana.
-And why did you leave Mexico ?
-I needed to find a work... because I couldn't get hired in Mexico.
-Have you found work since your arrival in the US ?
-Yes ! I did... and it is such a relief.
-So you went here to work, but do you know of any reasons why immigrants come here illegally?
-I guess this is mostly because of their conditions... such as high criminality in their country, or economic situation that forces them to come here
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Réponse :
More and more immigrants are coming to the United States illegally, and they are coming in different ways, for different reasons. We will interview an anonymous immigrant and find out more about his "journey".
This is the BBC, for this exclusive interview.
-Good morning, sir! So you travelled went to the United States, right?
-Right, I've went to the US illegally.
-How did you went there ?
-I've crossed the border, but I can't give you any more details about that... to guarantee my anonymity, you understand?
-I guess that it was a really hard time to cross it, am I right ?
-Yeah, it was very difficult to keep calm... but now I'm here, I am so relieved !
-Right... So for how much time have you been here, in the US ?
-Well, I'm in the US since 6 months.
-From what country where you ?
-Mexico, I was from Mexico, I was living in Tijuana.
-And why did you leave Mexico ?
-I needed to find a work... because I couldn't get hired in Mexico.
-Have you found work since your arrival in the US ?
-Yes ! I did... and it is such a relief.
-So you went here to work, but do you know of any reasons why immigrants come here illegally?
-I guess this is mostly because of their conditions... such as high criminality in their country, or economic situation that forces them to come here
-Thanks for your time.
Explications :
=> Introduire son contexte
=> Effectuer une courte intro (Journaliste)
=> Débuter l'interview et enchaîner Q+R.