This saga tells the adventures of Sophie Foster, a young girl endowed with multiple powers, and her friends in the Lost Cities. The heroes face a mysterious organization of which Sophie gradually discovers the workings
2: Second volume of the series, more mature, darker. Sophie Foster pursues her new life among the elves, caught between the black swan, the rebels, the council, the school of FoxFire, her great powers (which come with great responsibilities), and everything that is expected of her.
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1 :
This saga tells the adventures of Sophie Foster, a young girl endowed with multiple powers, and her friends in the Lost Cities. The heroes face a mysterious organization of which Sophie gradually discovers the workings
2: Second volume of the series, more mature, darker. Sophie Foster pursues her new life among the elves, caught between the black swan, the rebels, the council, the school of FoxFire, her great powers (which come with great responsibilities), and everything that is expected of her.