January 2021 1 47 Report
Bonjour, j'ai besoin d'aide pour mon dm d'anglais. Il faut que j'invente une suite pour cette histoire
when I walked into the house, I felt surprised. There was very little light. An old man was smoking his pipe, half asleep, next to the fireplace where a nice fire was burning. He was wearing a black hat. A young boy was sitting at the center table, eating soup. His mother was beside him. She was reading a book. No one was talking. I stood there and looked at them. The only sound I could hear was the ticking of the grandfather clock. I walked across the room. No body moved. I opened a door...

Voici l’énoncé
décrire ce que le narrateur découvre dans la pièce d'à côté
planter le décor: décrire ce que les personnages étaient en train de faire
imaginer un élément étrange dans la pièce
décrire ce que ressentait le narrateur, créer une atmosphère particulière

Merci d'avance
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