J'ai une expression écrite à faire en Devoir maison, sauf que je suis très nulle en anglais. Je dois décrire deux images, dire les similitudes , les différences et donner un avis personnel. En aide, nous avons quelque expression utile que je mets en pièce jointe. La professeur d'anglais veut qu'on en utilise. Merci d'avance pour votre aide. il faut faire 8-10 lignes.
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In both photos , they wear clothes , they are boys and girl and they are walking . On the photo which is on the right side , there are 6 characters : 4 girls and 2 boys, there is defile and they are wearing clothes which are pretty good while on the photo which is on the left side, there are 4 characters: 2 girls and 2 boys, they are walking on the street and they wear gothic clothes .
I might be wrong but I prefer the photo on the right side because they have better clothes than people in the first photo.
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On the photo which is on the right side , there are 6 characters : 4 girls and 2 boys, there is defile and they are wearing clothes which are pretty good while on the photo which is on the left side, there are 4 characters: 2 girls and 2 boys, they are walking on the street and they wear gothic clothes .
I might be wrong but I prefer the photo on the right side because they have better clothes than people in the first photo.
j'espère t'avoir aidé