February 2021 0 91 Report
Bonjour j'ai besoin de votre aide en anglais svp. Je n'y arrive pas. Je vous remercie par avance ;) Consigne : Match up as many words and meanings as you can. ( parmi les phrases de a à j, il faut les relier de 1 à 10 )

1°) traditional a) having two adults in a family that both contribute financially

2°) primary b) based on old-fashioned ideas

3°) homemaker c) a duty that needs to be done to keep a household clean

and functionning

4°) breadwinner d) a person who looks after the household duties such as

cleaning and shopping

5°) dual income e) main

6°) chore f) the person who earns the money for the family

7°) nuclear g) referring to a mother, father and their children living


8°) spouse h) stress

9°) pressure i) a balanced option that satisfies everyone

10°) happy medium j°) a husband or wife
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