Pour exprimer la négation, tu places le mot "not" après le verbe conjugué.
To be = I am / You, We, They are / He, She, It is
Avec la négation :
I am not
You, We, They are not ou You, We, They aren't
He, She, It is not ou He, She, It isn't
To have = I, You, We, They have / He, She, It has
I, You, We, They have not ou haven't
He, She, It has not ou hasn't
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Pour exprimer la négation, tu places le mot "not" après le verbe conjugué.
To be = I am / You, We, They are / He, She, It is
Avec la négation :
I am not
You, We, They are not ou You, We, They aren't
He, She, It is not ou He, She, It isn't
To have = I, You, We, They have / He, She, It has
Avec la négation :
I, You, We, They have not ou haven't
He, She, It has not ou hasn't