Bonjour j’ai un devoir en anglais qui consiste à écrire un conte de fée qui fait peur avec un héros et un méchant et il ne fait pas oublier les dialogues. La rédaction doit faire 130 mots ou plus. Au prétérit simple, prétérit BE - ING, avec des expressions de la suggestion et des propositions subordonnées relative (qui, quand …) Merci énormément à celui qui m’aidera. C’est pour dans 3 jours
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Bonsoir, je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir remplie toutes les conditions dont vous avez parlez mais au fait tout pour que sa soit à peu près correct
It was the story of a princess who was tired of waiting for her prince charming so she decided to go get me herself, she came out of her castle, when she arrived in the dark woods, she did not lost the courage and determination she had to find her prince charming she walked quickly until she met a dark but majestic witch, there witches asked her what she was doing here in the forest alone, the princess told her the reason for her coming and the witch souria then, she looked at the girl and captured her telling her that if she wanted a prince he would come to save her, since the princess is still waiting for her prince…
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Merci de m’avoir donné une idée pour mon texte. Il est très bien le seul soucis et qu’il n’y a pas de dialogue.
Ah oui je suis vraiment désolé j’ai oublié ce détails j’espère néanmoins que vous avez réussi à faire quelque chose…
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It was the story of a princess who was tired of waiting for her prince charming so she decided to go get me herself, she came out of her castle, when she arrived in the dark woods, she did not lost the courage and determination she had to find her prince charming she walked quickly until she met a dark but majestic witch, there witches asked her what she was doing here in the forest alone, the princess told her the reason for her coming and the witch souria then, she looked at the girl and captured her telling her that if she wanted a prince he would come to save her, since the princess is still waiting for her prince…