Bonjour, j'ai un dialogue théâtrale sur les stereotypes à faire. J'ai fais ceci! veuillez me dire mes erreurs svp merci. Puis , est ce que mes didascalies sont bonne elles sont entre parenthèse ?
The scene takes place on Monday at school. My friend Roger and are talking about strereotypes for nationalities since we have an oral presentation.
Me: Hello Roger, let's start with the Germans
Roger: ( he sits down ) In my view, the Germans are blue-eyed and blond-haired people.
Me: ( smilling ) This is quite true, during my trip to Germany, I saw a lot of the blue-eyed and fair-haired people. Don't you think that the English are good cooks?
Roger: Er, I don't agree, I don't think they are good cooks since when I was in England, I didn't really like funk food. However, I have noticed that the English drank a lot of tea!
Me: ( surprised ) Of course, you have the right not to agree but what do you think of the Americans ?
Roger: On the one hand, the Americans like to eat fast food. On the other hand, the Americans only drink coke and they are obese.
Me: This is ridiculous, I don't think the Americans are fat. In my view, they are muscular. Otherwise, you're right about the rest. Why would you say that ?
Roger: You see, I say that because my friend went there and he said me that they are fat.
Me: It can't be true, I think he must have been wrong. Finally, the Italians eat enormously pasta and pizza. Do you agree about it ?
Roger: You know, I totally agree with you. The Italians move their hands when they speak.
Me: Actually, I absolutely agree with you. ( gets angry ) Damn! the bell rang it's time to go to class. See you later Roger!
Lista de comentários
bonjouur c pas mal mais j'ai relevé quelques fautes ou maladresses :
-stereotypes about ou of nationalities
-in my view (maladroit) - In my opinion ou it seems to me that....
-un seul l à smiling
- pas de the apres a lot of et pas de the à the English- English people
- are good cookers ? (pas cooks)
- ATTENTION since ne veut pas dire "parce que" _ because
English drink et pas drunk (car ils boivent tjrs du thé)
- on dit plutot much tea (car c indenombrable)
- j'ai pas compris... mais mets juste you are right but etc.
- what do you think about Americans ?
- on one hand
- dis plutot he told me that they are fat (roger)
- he must be wrong
- the bell is ringing
pas de "the" quand on fait une généralité !
donc on dit pas the Americans mais American people ou Americans ou people from America... (pareil pour les autres nationalités)
- the bell is ringing parce que c ce qui se passe en ce moment, au moment ou il parle