Bonjour j’ai un exercice à faire en anglais et je n’y arrive pas alors merci de m’aider si vous le pouvez voici l’exercie :Faire 5 phrases au futur sur le thème suivant : tu viens de commander un robot sur Internet, imagine ce que tu vas faire de ton temps libre une fois qu'il sera là pour t'aider. et vous devrer écrire en anglais merci énormément pour ce qui vons le fait MERCI
Once my new robot arrives, I will finally be able to attend the concert my friends and I have been wanting to go to. I will also consider taking some art classes to improve my painting skills. I will spend more time with my family, and will have more free time so I can relax. In addition, I will begin planning a road trip with my friends since it has been on my mind for a while now.
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Once my new robot arrives, I will finally be able to attend the concert my friends and I have been wanting to go to. I will also consider taking some art classes to improve my painting skills. I will spend more time with my family, and will have more free time so I can relax. In addition, I will begin planning a road trip with my friends since it has been on my mind for a while now.
J'éspère que ca te plais xx