Bonjour, j'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide. Pouvez vous me traduire ce texte en anglais '' Jesse owens est un athlète américain. Il est né en 1913 et mort en 1980. Tout débute dès son plus jeune âge, quand il commence par travailler en tant que manutentionnaire dans une usine de chaussures, c'est à ce moment qu'il découvre sa passion pour la course à pied. Il commence alors une carrière de jeune sprinter et évolue au fur et à mesure, il devient de plus en plus connu. De plus, il pratique plusieurs sports mais reste plus efficace dans les courses de sprint. En 1928, il bat des records au niveau junior en sauts en hauteur et en longueur. En 1936, il participe aux jeux olympiques de Berlin en Allemagne sous la dictature d'Hitler, jesse y remporte un total de 4 médailles d'or. Il a battu les records mondiaux. En 1976, le président Gérald Ford lui décerne la médaille présidentielle de la liberté. Ses actes de charité, de bravoure envers les plus pauvres ainsi que ses efforts courageux font de lui un héros et un mythe dans l'histoire du sport. Il veut être considéré comme un simple athlète et non une race inférieure. Il est courageux et déterminer. Aujourd'hui, il est considéré comme le premier et meilleur sprinter de l'entre deux guerres et sportif noir. ''
"Jesse owens is an American athlete. He was born in 1913 and died in 1980. It all started at an early age, when he started working as a handler in a shoe factory, that's when he discovered his passion for running. He then began a career as a young sprinter and gradually evolved, he became more and more known. In addition, he plays several sports but remains more efficient in sprint races. In 1928, he broke junior records in high and long jumps. In 1936, he participated in the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, under Hitler's dictatorship, where he won a total of 4 gold medals. He broke world records. In 1976, President Gérald Ford awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His acts of charity, bravery towards the poorest and courageous efforts make him a hero and a myth in the history of sport. He wants to be considered a simple athlete and not an inferior race. He is brave and determined. Today, he is considered as the first and best sprinter of the inter-war period and a black sportsman. ''
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"Jesse owens is an American athlete. He was born in 1913 and died in 1980. It all started at an early age, when he started working as a handler in a shoe factory, that's when he discovered his passion for running. He then began a career as a young sprinter and gradually evolved, he became more and more known. In addition, he plays several sports but remains more efficient in sprint races. In 1928, he broke junior records in high and long jumps. In 1936, he participated in the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, under Hitler's dictatorship, where he won a total of 4 gold medals. He broke world records. In 1976, President Gérald Ford awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His acts of charity, bravery towards the poorest and courageous efforts make him a hero and a myth in the history of sport. He wants to be considered a simple athlete and not an inferior race. He is brave and determined. Today, he is considered as the first and best sprinter of the inter-war period and a black sportsman. ''
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