Bonjour j'aimerais qu'on me traduisent c'est phrase en anglais s'il vous plait c'est très urgent Adian se sentait misérable,fatigué et solitaire car il avait attrapé un rhume de plus il c'était rendu compte que personne ne l'avait dit joyeux anniversaire . il chercha un endroit ou passer la nuit alors il appela la police en se fesant passer pour quelqu'un d'autre mais personne ne le considérait comme un fuguère car il n'avait pas recu d'annonce en disant qu'il y avait une fugue celui ci se moqua de lui en lui disant que le jour du poisson d'avril etait hier fiston alors adrian se senta seul. de plus pouvez vous me traduire ceci en francais: what is not said but that we can guess.
Adrian felt miserable, exhausted and alone because he got a cold. Beside, he realized that nobody told him happy birthday. He sought for a place to spend the night and called the police pretending to be someone else. However, nobody believed he was a runaway - the police wasn't received any report about a running. He was mocked by the people on the phone. "April Fool's Day was yesterday, kid!", said the policeman. Adrian felt even more alone...
Autre traduction : what is not said but that we can guess? ==> qu'est-ce qui n'est pas dit mais que l'on peu deviner ?
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Verified answer
Adrian felt miserable, exhausted and alone because he got a cold. Beside, he realized that nobody told him happy birthday.He sought for a place to spend the night and called the police pretending to be someone else. However, nobody believed he was a runaway - the police wasn't received any report about a running. He was mocked by the people on the phone.
"April Fool's Day was yesterday, kid!", said the policeman.
Adrian felt even more alone...
Autre traduction :
what is not said but that we can guess?
==> qu'est-ce qui n'est pas dit mais que l'on peu deviner ?