May 2020 1 99 Report
Bonjour j'aurais besoin d'aide pour cet exercice d'Anglais qui fait 4pages, je posterais que les exercices que j'arrives passent celui là. merci de m'aider.

Ex. 1 Compléter le dialogue avec CAN, MAY, MUST ou HAVE TO à la forme affirmative,
interrogative ou négative
you come to the match this afternoon?'
PETER: 'I'm sorry. I
__wash my father's car.'
JOHN: 'But it's raining! Don't waste your time: you
it! It will be cleaned by the rain!'
stop soon.
PETER: 'I know, but my parents say the rain
And I
go out with you tonight because I
go to my grandmother's birthday party and I
come back late.'
Ex. 2 Choisir parmi les propositions suivantes: I can I can't must mustn't
1. She's only five, but she
read and write.
2. You
believe him : he's always lying!
3. Don't phone him now. He _
be asleep.
4. She won't come to the swimming pool because she
5. Your hair is too long. You
have a haircut.
Ex. 3 Compléter avec un modal (CAN, MUST, MAY, HAVE TO à la forme affirmative ou
JOHN:'_ you come to the match
this afternoon?'
venir au match cet
PETER: 'I'm sorry. I _
PETER: 'Je suis désolé. Je
wash my father's car.'
. Je
laver la voiture de mon père."
JOHN: 'But it's raining! You
JOHN: 'Mais il pleut! Tu
wash it!'
PETER: 'I know, but my parents say the
PETER: 'Je sais, mais mes parents disent
s top soon. And I
que la pluie
s'arrêter bientôt. Et
go out with you tonight because
sortir avec toi ce soir parce
go to my grandmother's
que je
aller à la fête
birthday party and I _
d'anniversaire de ma grand-mère et je
back late.
revenir tard.'
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