Yesterday afternoon, the New York court handed down its verdict: The murderer of Ashley Johnson, the famous heiress of "Johnson" perfumes, was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The facts date back to last December, at the victim's birthday party.
Rachel Stevenson broke into the library to murder her best friend.
After she confessed, Inspector007 (who was in charge of the case) had Rachel placed under medical supervision to determine if she was in a state of possible insanity at the time of the murder.
The doctors concluded that the young woman suffered from serious psychological problems and should therefore be medically monitored during her imprisonment.
At the trial, Rachel stated that she murdered Ashley "to live her love with Josh (one of the suspects in the case) to the fullest without having to suffocate the shadow Ashley created. Her lawyer is asleep and has already decided to appeal.
The seven other suspects in the case have been cleared and have not wished to speak out.
The victim's parents, for their part, answered the journalists' questions and said they were "very affected by this news", as Rachel was for them a girl "who could easily be trusted and who never made a story". The family and relatives were given psychological care.
This murder therefore raises the question of whether psychological disorders can be detected quickly or not, because in locurence, Rachel had been suffering from her disorders for an extremely long time.
Now that the judgment has been handed down, there is every reason to believe that the Johnson family will do everything in their power to return to some semblance of normal life as quickly as possible.
Mais je n'ai pas vraiment compris la suite . Peux - tu me l'expliquer s'il te plaît ?
C'est hier après-midi que le tribunal de New York a rendu son jugement: La meurtrière d'Ashley Johnson, la célèbre héritière des parfums "Johnson" a été condamnée à perpétuité.
Les faits remontent au mois de décembre dernier, lors de la fête d'anniversaire de la victime.
Rachel Stevenson s'est introduit dans la bibliothèque afin d'y assassiner sa meilleure amie.
Après ses aveux, l'inspecteur007 (en charge de l'affaire) avait fait placer Rachel sous contrôle médical afin de déterminer si cette dernière était en possible crise de folie au moment du meurtre.
Les médecins en ont conclut que cette jeune femme souffrait de graves troubles psychologiques et devait donc être suivit médicalement lors de son emprisonnement.
Lors du procès, Rachel a déclaré avoir assassiné Ashley " pour vivre pleinement son amour avec Josh (un des suspects dans l'affaire ndlr) sans avoir à suffoquer de l'ombre créer par Ashley". Son avocat a dors et déjà décidé de faire appel.
Les sept autres suspects de l'affaire ont quant à eux été blanchis et n'ont pas souhaités s'exprimer.
Les parents de la victime, eux, ont répondu aux diverses questions des journalistes et ont déclarés "être très affecté par cette nouvelle", car Rachel était pour eux une fille "en qui ont pouvait facilement avoir confiance et qui ne faisait jamais d'histoire".
Une prise en charge par des psychologues a été accordé à la famille et aux proches.
Ce meurtre pose donc la question de savoir si les troubles psychologiques peuvent être dépistés rapidement ou non, car en locurence, Rachel souffrait de ses troubles depuis extrêmement longtemps.
Le jugement aillant été rendu, tout porte à croire que la famille Johnson fera tout pour retrouver un semblant de vie normale, et ce dans les plus bref délais.
Merci beaucoup. J'espère que je pourrais t'aider en retour un jour...
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Yesterday afternoon, the New York court handed down its verdict: The murderer of Ashley Johnson, the famous heiress of "Johnson" perfumes, was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The facts date back to last December, at the victim's birthday party.
Rachel Stevenson broke into the library to murder her best friend.
After she confessed, Inspector007 (who was in charge of the case) had Rachel placed under medical supervision to determine if she was in a state of possible insanity at the time of the murder.
The doctors concluded that the young woman suffered from serious psychological problems and should therefore be medically monitored during her imprisonment.
At the trial, Rachel stated that she murdered Ashley "to live her love with Josh (one of the suspects in the case) to the fullest without having to suffocate the shadow Ashley created. Her lawyer is asleep and has already decided to appeal.
The seven other suspects in the case have been cleared and have not wished to speak out.
The victim's parents, for their part, answered the journalists' questions and said they were "very affected by this news", as Rachel was for them a girl "who could easily be trusted and who never made a story". The family and relatives were given psychological care.
This murder therefore raises the question of whether psychological disorders can be detected quickly or not, because in locurence, Rachel had been suffering from her disorders for an extremely long time.
Now that the judgment has been handed down, there is every reason to believe that the Johnson family will do everything in their power to return to some semblance of normal life as quickly as possible.
J'éspére que cela va t'aider