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16 novembre 1532 Pizarro capture le dernier empereur Inca Invité par l'espagnol Francisco Pizarro, l'empereur Inca Atahualpa se rend à Cajamarca au nord du Pérou. Atahualpa, à qui l’on présente les livres sacrés, refuse de se convertir au christianisme. Il aurait même lancé l’Ouvrage par terre. Les Espagnols utilisent ce prétexte pour massacrer l’escorte de l’empereur et le village. Le souverain inca est fait prisonnier. Ses sujets feront amasser une quantité extraordinaire d'or et d'argent pour obtenir sa libération, mais en vain. Pizarro condamnera Atahualpa à mort et le fera garrotter dans sa cellule le 29 août 1533. L'empire Inca est anéanti, les Espagnols en seront les maîtres pendant 3 siècles.
29 aout 1533 Mise à mort d'Atahualpa L'empereur inca Atahualpa est assassiné à Cajamarca (Pérou) par les Espagnols. Le conquistador Francisco Pizarro avait obtenu de l'empereur Charles Quint l'autorisation d'entreprendre la conquête de l'Empire Inca. Il débarqua à la tête d'une petite expédition sur la côte péruvienne en 1532, captura Atahualpa et malgré la remise d'une énorme rançon, le fait tuer. Pizarro sera lui même poignardé par un partisan de son rival Amalgro en 1541.
15 novembre 1533 Prise de Cuzco par les Espagnols Francisco Pizarro fait son entrée dans la capitale de l'Empire inca. La ville est mise à sac, le temple du soleil est entièrement détruit pour son or et les tombes des souverains incas sont profanées. La capitale de l'immense et majestueux empire n'est plus. Les espagnols construiront Lima et en feront la nouvelle capitale de la vice-royauté du Pérou.
18 janvier 1535 Fondation de Lima Le conquérant espagnol Francisco Pizarro fonde officiellement la ville dont il espère faire sa capitale, Lima. Il lui donne le nom de "Ciudad de los reyes", la ville des rois. Le terme Lima est une déformation d'un terme quechua "rimac" qui fut traduit par "parleur". Capitale du vice-royaume du Pérou en 1542, la ville devient le centre névralgique des activités commerciales et culturelles de toute l'Amérique espagnole.
26 juin 1541 Pizarro assassiné Le conquistador espagnol Francisco Pizarro est assassiné à Lima (Pérou), par les amis de son rival et ancien associé, Diego de Almagro, qu'il avait fait exécuter en 1538. Pizarro, après la découverte du Nouveau Monde par Christophe Colomb, s'était embarqué en quête d'aventure. Il parvint à conquérir l'Empire inca, en éliminant Atahualpa. Sur les ruines de cet empire naîtront le Pérou, l'Equateur et la Bolivie
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Pizarro captured the last Inca emperorInvited by the Spanish Francisco Pizarro, the Inca emperor Atahualpa went to Cajamarca in northern Peru. Atahualpa, to whom we present the sacred books, refused to convert to Christianity. He even launched the Work ground. Spaniards use this pretext to massacre the escort of the emperor and the village. The Inca ruler was captured. Topics will raise an extraordinary amount of gold and silver for his release, but to no avail. Atahualpa Pizarro condemn to death and will bind him to his cell 29 August 1533. The Inca empire is destroyed, the Spaniards will be the master for 3 centuries. August 29, 1533Killing AtahualpaThe Inca emperor Atahualpa was murdered in Cajamarca (Peru) by the Spaniards. The conquistador Francisco Pizarro had obtained from the Emperor Charles V permission to undertake the conquest of the Inca Empire. He landed at the head of a small expedition in the Peruvian coast in 1532, captured Atahualpa and despite surrendering a huge ransom, made the kill. Pizarro will himself stabbed by a supporter of his rival Amalgro in 1541. November 15, 1533Battle of Cuzco by the SpaniardsFrancisco Pizarro made it into the capital of the Inca Empire. The city was sacked, the sun temple was completely destroyed for its gold and tombs of the Inca rulers are desecrated. The capital of the vast and mighty empire is no more. The Spanish build Lima and form the new capital of the Peruvian viceroyalty. January 18, 1535Lima FoundationThe Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro officially founded the city which he hopes to make his capital, Lima. He gives her the "Ciudad de los Reyes", the city of kings. The term Lima is a deformation of a Quechua term "rimac" which was translated as "speaker". Capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1542, the city became the nerve center of commercial and cultural activities of all Spanish America. June 26, 1541Pizarro assassinatedSpanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro was assassinated in Lima (Peru), by friends of his rival and former partner, Diego de Almagro, he had run in 1538. Pizarro, after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, s' had embarked in search of adventure. He managed to conquer the Inca Empire, eliminating Atahualpa. On the ruins of that empire will be born Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia
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August 29, 1533Killing AtahualpaThe Inca emperor Atahualpa was murdered in Cajamarca (Peru) by the Spaniards. The conquistador Francisco Pizarro had obtained from the Emperor Charles V permission to undertake the conquest of the Inca Empire. He landed at the head of a small expedition in the Peruvian coast in 1532, captured Atahualpa and despite surrendering a huge ransom, made the kill. Pizarro will himself stabbed by a supporter of his rival Amalgro in 1541.
November 15, 1533Battle of Cuzco by the SpaniardsFrancisco Pizarro made it into the capital of the Inca Empire. The city was sacked, the sun temple was completely destroyed for its gold and tombs of the Inca rulers are desecrated. The capital of the vast and mighty empire is no more. The Spanish build Lima and form the new capital of the Peruvian viceroyalty.
January 18, 1535Lima FoundationThe Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro officially founded the city which he hopes to make his capital, Lima. He gives her the "Ciudad de los Reyes", the city of kings. The term Lima is a deformation of a Quechua term "rimac" which was translated as "speaker". Capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1542, the city became the nerve center of commercial and cultural activities of all Spanish America.
June 26, 1541Pizarro assassinatedSpanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro was assassinated in Lima (Peru), by friends of his rival and former partner, Diego de Almagro, he had run in 1538. Pizarro, after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, s' had embarked in search of adventure. He managed to conquer the Inca Empire, eliminating Atahualpa. On the ruins of that empire will be born Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia