Bonjour, je donne 20 point pour la personne qui répondra à cette question je dois ecrire 5 phrases an anglais avec i'd like et en utilisant le futur pouvez vous me corriger s'il vous plaît ? Merci d'avance I would like to see a world at peace I would like to see a world without poverty I would like to experience a world where ecology is a principal for the poeple I would like to be part of a world where sustainable practices are adopted I want to contribute to a world where education and health are accessible to everyone
Tu n’as pas fait d’erreur mais tu peux écrire ces phrases là si tu veux aussi : I would like to see a peaceful world. I would like to see a world free of poverty. I would like to live in a world where ecology is a priority for people. I would like to be a part of a world that embraces sustainable practices. I want to contribute to a world where education and healthcare are accessible to everyone. Tu peux aussi utiliser ces phrases là elles sont correcte :) bonne journée
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Verified answer
Tu n’as pas fait d’erreur mais tu peux écrire ces phrases là si tu veux aussi :I would like to see a peaceful world.
I would like to see a world free of poverty.
I would like to live in a world where ecology is a priority for people.
I would like to be a part of a world that embraces sustainable practices.
I want to contribute to a world where education and healthcare are accessible to everyone.
Tu peux aussi utiliser ces phrases là elles sont correcte :) bonne journée