I ate a delicious sandwich for lunch
He went to Australia in 2005
You were a good kid
Ce sont tous des verbes irréguliers que tu dois apprendre par cœur.
--> infinitif, prétérit, participe passé, traduction
--> eat, ate, eaten, manger
--> go, went, gone, aller
--> be, was/were, been, être
Tu peux ainsi faire ton exercice :
I ate a delicious sandwich for lunch.
He went to australia in 2005.
You were a good kid !
Bonne soirée !
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Verified answer
I ate a delicious sandwich for lunch
He went to Australia in 2005
You were a good kid
Verified answer
Ce sont tous des verbes irréguliers que tu dois apprendre par cœur.
--> infinitif, prétérit, participe passé, traduction
--> eat, ate, eaten, manger
--> go, went, gone, aller
--> be, was/were, been, être
Tu peux ainsi faire ton exercice :
I ate a delicious sandwich for lunch.
He went to australia in 2005.
You were a good kid !
Bonne soirée !