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L’orphelinat, où 38 jeunes enfants vivent heureux sous la garde de leur “Maman” : Isabella. Un mur de pierre, qu’ils n’ont pas le droit de franchir, les sépare du monde extérieur. Les enfants veillent les uns sur les autres mais rêvent tous d’être adoptés et de quitter l’orphelinat. Connie, 6 ans, quitte l’orphelinat aujourd’hui. Elle fait ses adieux à ses frères et sœurs. Mais en partant, elle a oublié son lapin en peluche. Emma et Norman courent donc la rattraper pour lui rendre son précieux lapin. Mais ce qu’ils vont découvrir va changer leur vie à jamais... Emma et Norman franchissent la limite autorisée du domaine et arrivent dans un étrange bâtiment de brique. Il n’y a qu’un camion. Ils regardent son chargement et découvrent le cadavre de Connie. Les deux enfants sont horrifiés mais des monstres approchent. Emma et Norman se réfugient sous le camion et entendent la discussion des deux monstres. Ils apprennent la triste réalité : les orphelins de l’orphelinat sont élevés comme du bétail et fournis comme mets de qualité à des démons. L’endroit qu’ils pensaient être leur foyer est une ferme, et celle qu’ils croyaient être leur mère est leur ennemie. Ils parviennent à s’enfuir, mais oublient la peluche de Connie sous le camion. De retour à l’orphelinat, les deux amis se décident à trouver le moyen de fuir tous ensemble. Mais, dans le bâtiment de briques, Maman trouve la peluche sur le sol. Commence alors un jeu de dupes entre Norman, Emma et Maman. Les enfants ne doivent pas attirer l’attention de leur tutrice, car elle les traque. Le prochain orphelin sera envoyé aux démons dans deux mois. Les enfants élaborent alors leur plan d’évasion.
The orphanage, where 38 young children live happily in the care of their "Mum": Isabella. A stone wall, there is no right to cross, separates them from the outside world. The children look after each other but dream of being adopted and leaving the orphanage.
Connie, 6, is leaving the orphanage today. She bids farewell to her siblings. But when she left, she forgot her stuffed bunny. Emma and Norman therefore run to catch up with her to return her precious rabbit. But what they will find out will change their lives forever ...
Emma and Norman cross the authorized boundary of the domain and arrive in a strange brick building. There is only one truck. They look at her load and find Connie's corpse. The two children are horrified but monsters approach. Emma and Norman take refuge under the truck and hear the discussion of the two monsters. They learn the grim reality: the orphans in the orphanage are raised like cattle and provided as quality food to demons. The place they thought was their home is a farm, and what they thought was their mother is their enemy.
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The orphanage, where 38 young children live happily in the care of their "Mum": Isabella. A stone wall, there is no right to cross, separates them from the outside world. The children look after each other but dream of being adopted and leaving the orphanage.
Connie, 6, is leaving the orphanage today. She bids farewell to her siblings. But when she left, she forgot her stuffed bunny. Emma and Norman therefore run to catch up with her to return her precious rabbit. But what they will find out will change their lives forever ...
Emma and Norman cross the authorized boundary of the domain and arrive in a strange brick building. There is only one truck. They look at her load and find Connie's corpse. The two children are horrified but monsters approach. Emma and Norman take refuge under the truck and hear the discussion of the two monsters. They learn the grim reality: the orphans in the orphanage are raised like cattle and provided as quality food to demons. The place they thought was their home is a farm, and what they thought was their mother is their enemy.
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