April 2021 1 63 Report

I. Put the verbs into the preterit form

In the South Bronx of New York City, in the early-to-mid 1970s, block parties ……………..(start) to incorporate much of the artistic elements of hip hop as we know it today.
On the streets between their apartment buildings, young African-American, Caribbean and Latino people ………………...(gather-si possible prét BE+ing) at parties in which graffiti art, breaking, DJing and rapping ……………….(take place- si possible, prét be+ing).
These block parties ……….(be) “an attempt to channel the anger of young people in the South Bronx away from gang fighting”. They…………...(become) a positive social, cultural and political force for many young people and their communities.
By the mid-1980s, hip hop ……...(have) hit the mainstream with a force. Today, it is one of the most popular musical genres in the world. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic – hip hop has again become a vital outlet for many young people.
Instead of dancing on the streets, they are now performing online and across the world.
II. Put the bold expressions into the negative preterit form

III. Find a « present perfect » in the text. Explain in French WHY it has been used ?

IV. Put the underlined expression into the present perfect.
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