Bonjour , pouvez vous m'aider svp ? Voilà : trouver trois phrases à l'impératif pour donner des conseils à un(e) américain(e) qui arrive en France et veut visiter le sud Merci !
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Coucou, alors j’espère que cela pourras t’aider :). :
Hello, for your stay in the south it is imperative that you taste the specialties of the region
Go to the sea! The water is warm and the scenery is beautiful
Go shopping, you will find your happiness in the shops of the city, they are great.
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Hello, for your stay in the south it is imperative that you taste the specialties of the region
Go to the sea! The water is warm and the scenery is beautiful
Go shopping, you will find your happiness in the shops of the city, they are great.