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Nul n'avait cependant deviné le scénario machiavélique que les criminels avaient imaginé, ni le mobile qui les avait aiguillonnés. Ainsi, ils n'avaient pas assassiné M. Roitelet dans le but de profiter de son héritage, qui leur échappait, mais par esprit de vengeance, parce qu'il les en avait frustrés. Quant à l'arme du crime, elle était restée exposée pendant tout ce temps au vu et au su de tout le monde. L'un d'eux possédait en effet une vieille guimbarde hors d'usage, un amas de vieilles tôles cabossées, rouillées à l'extrême, mais qu'il conservait dans sa cour. Qui plus est, démunie de ses roues, elle reposait sur quatre chandelles, ce qui renforçait son caractère insoupçonnable. Or, les deux cousins l'avaient remise en état de marche, le temps d'accomplir leur crime. Enfin, ils avaient soigneusement replacé la meurtrière sur son piédestal.
No one, however, had guessed the Machiavellian scenario that the criminals had imagined, nor the motive that had spurred them on. Thus, they had not murdered Mr. Roitelet in order to profit from his inheritance, which escaped them, but out of a spirit of revenge, because he had frustrated them. As for the murder weapon, she had been exposed all the time to everyone's knowledge. One of them possessed an old old Jew's harp, a heap of old corrugated sheets, rusted to the extreme, but which he kept in his yard. Moreover, without her wheels, she rested on four candles, which strengthened her unsuspected character. Now, the two cousins had put it back in working order, the time to complete their crime. Finally, they had carefully placed the murderer on his pedestal.
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No one, however, had guessed the Machiavellian scenario that the criminals had imagined, nor the motive that had spurred them on. Thus, they had not murdered Mr. Roitelet in order to profit from his inheritance, which escaped them, but out of a spirit of revenge, because he had frustrated them. As for the murder weapon, she had been exposed all the time to everyone's knowledge. One of them possessed an old old Jew's harp, a heap of old corrugated sheets, rusted to the extreme, but which he kept in his yard. Moreover, without her wheels, she rested on four candles, which strengthened her unsuspected character. Now, the two cousins had put it back in working order, the time to complete their crime. Finally, they had carefully placed the murderer on his pedestal.