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Je suis en 3ème. Dans la classe nous somme 22, 19 filles et 3 garçons. En France nous ne portons pas d'uniforme comme en grande-Bretagne, les cours se terminent à 14h en grande Bretagne alors qu'en France c'est à 16h. Nous faisons des sorties le jeudi après-midi pour visiter des entreprises. En France nous devons lever le doigt pour parler, se lever quand un professeur rentre dans la classe, nous n'avons pas le droit de porter de jupes, ni de pantalons troués, pas trop de maquillage et pas de débardeur.
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I am in the 3rd grade. In the class we are 22, 19 girls and 3 boys. In France we do not wear uniforms as in great Britain, in Great Britan classes end at 02:00 pm , while in France it end at 04:00pm. We do trips on the Thursday afternoons to visit companies . In France we have to lift the finger to speak, stand up when a teacher enters the classroom, we do not have the right to wear holed skirts or pants , not too much makeup and no .
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I am in grade 9 . In class we are 22 in total, 19 girls and 3 boys. In France we do not wear uniforms as great Britain, classes end at 14 in Great Britain, while in France it ends at 16. We outputs on Thursday afternoon to visit businesses. In France we have to lift a finger to speak, stand up when a teacher enters the classroom, we do not have the right to wear skirts or pants with holes, not too much makeup and no tank.
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