Bonjour quelqu'un pourrais m'aider à traduire ce texte que j'ai fait en anglais svp urgent je n'y arriva pas et sur Google traduction il me donne n'importe quoi merci d'avance :
Rémi, élève de 4ème au collège Saint-Joseph, en a assez d'être pratiquement collé tous les mercredis avec ses camarades. Il a donc décidé de mener sa propre enquête sur les vols que subissent les professeurs du collège. Pourquoi depuis plusieurs semaines ont s'en prend aux professeurs ? Mme P.... s'est fait voler son portable en cours de géo, M. H..... ont lui a subtilisé sa montre pendant le cours de sport tandis que Mme C.... la prof de sciences ont lui a dérobé son stylo plume en or. Quel est le rapport entre tous ces vols ? A qui cela peut-il bien profiter et surtout pourquoi les profs sont-ils victimes ? Qui se cache derrière tout cela ? Rémi est donc bien décidé à élucider seul le mystère qui rôde dans son collège
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Rémi, student of 4eme at Saint-Joseph college, is tired of being practically always in detention with his classmates. He then decided to start his own case on the teacher's stolen items. Why have the teachers been victims from these acts since the last few weeks? Miss Patricia had her cellphone stolen during her geography class, M.Harnold's watch was missing in sports class, whilst someone took the science teacher, Miss Corlery, her golden pen. What is the connection to all those robberies? Who could profit from these loots and, especially, why are the teachers victims? Who is the mastermind behind all this? Remi resolve alone the mystery who lurks in his school(college).
J'ai remplacer les noms des professeurs pour que tu comprenne mieux ^.^
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Rémi, raises of 4th to the middle school Saint Joseph, has it enough to be practically stuck every Wednesday with his(her) companions. It thus decided to lead its own investigation on the flights which undergo the professors of the middle school. Why for several weeks we take ourselves to the professors? Mrs Pantoufle was stolen her mobile in the course of geography, Mr. Lucky person, we spirited away to him his watch during the sport class whereas Mrs Caillet professor of sciences we stole him pen the feather of which is golden. What is the report between all these thefts? Who can it well benefit and especially why the professors are the victims? Who hides behind all this? Rémi is thus decided well to clarify only the mystery which roams in his middle school.
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Miss Patricia had her cellphone stolen during her geography class, M.Harnold's watch was missing in sports class, whilst someone took the science teacher, Miss Corlery, her golden pen. What is the connection to all those robberies? Who could profit from these loots and, especially, why are the teachers victims? Who is the mastermind behind all this?
Remi resolve alone the mystery who lurks in his school(college).
J'ai remplacer les noms des professeurs pour que tu comprenne mieux ^.^
Why for several weeks we take ourselves to the professors?
Mrs Pantoufle was stolen her mobile in the course of geography, Mr. Lucky person, we spirited away to him his watch during the sport class whereas Mrs Caillet professor of sciences we stole him pen the feather of which is golden. What is the report between all these thefts? Who can it well benefit and especially why the professors are the victims? Who hides behind all this?
Rémi is thus decided well to clarify only the mystery which roams in his middle school.