Bonjour, Je dois preparer un oral de 2-3min pour la rentrée en imaginant ce que serait ma routine a l'école des zombies. (on a travaillé sur une vidéo: zombie school a survival guide) il faut : - imaginer sa routine - parler de quelque chose qui nous est arrivé - parler d'une matière qui est enseignée dans cette école - et utiliser les mots ci-joint
merci beaucoup d'avance pour les reponses, j'ai absolument aucune idées...
Bonjour, j'ai utilisé la plupart des mots si dessus, le modal would et également le conditionnel de type 2:
1) If I were a zombie it would be completely crazy ! First I would wake up and eat a bit of brain because my zombie mum would indeed say it's healthy . After I would go to my zombie's school at Zombie city and talk to my friends about what they do this weekend, they had probably did some human's hunting!
2) Next, I would go to my class of human's hunting, it's will be so boring because I would already know how to ! But the national education of zombie would think it's necessary for us to know all the human's hunting law and stuff, for example we mustn't kill more than 3 humans per week :/ and we must kill all the witnesses if they are any.
Il reste bien sûre à détailler un peu plus pour tenir le temps imposé.
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Bonjour, j'ai utilisé la plupart des mots si dessus, le modal would et également le conditionnel de type 2:
1) If I were a zombie it would be completely crazy ! First I would wake up and eat a bit of brain because my zombie mum would indeed say it's healthy . After I would go to my zombie's school at Zombie city and talk to my friends about what they do this weekend, they had probably did some human's hunting!
2) Next, I would go to my class of human's hunting, it's will be so boring because I would already know how to ! But the national education of zombie would think it's necessary for us to know all the human's hunting law and stuff, for example we mustn't kill more than 3 humans per week :/ and we must kill all the witnesses if they are any.
Il reste bien sûre à détailler un peu plus pour tenir le temps imposé.