October 2020 1 65 Report
Bonjours j'ai un devoir d'anglais a rendre et je ne suis malheuresement pas tres bon.. je suis en terminale S . il faut faire un résumé de l'histoire de la conquete spatial américaine

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This event is Appollo 11, it occurred on the 20 th July 1969, 50 years ago. The two astronauts that landed with the L.E.M are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Michael Collins had to stay in the space craft. It was the first time a human had landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong said “ One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of this historic worldwide event.

The history of the Apollo program :
The goal of this mission was to win the space race against the USSR.
They had to face difficulties.
A lot of missions were organized but the ones before Apollo 11 were just tests. Six missions sent men to the Moon.
The program began on Jan. 27 1967.

The Apollo staff :
400,000 people in total worked on the program.
Some of them were engineers and scientists, some were in charge of cleaning the facilities, some had to do the cooking. They also employed 3 African American women as engineers.
More than 600 million people watched their work on TV in 1969.

The astronauts’ training :

Different kinds of exercises were organized for them : simulation, test flights, equipment.
They probably trained for a long time before being able to go to the Moon.
The Apollo 11 team met the previous mission’s pilots to learn about important details.
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