Bonjours je dois faire un texte en anglais sur ça "Imagine the power has been cut off at your home, would you be fine with no internet at home? What else would you do? How would you react? (Be honest) en anglais je n'y arrive pas merci de m'aider.
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Deja repond a la premiere question en disant que sois ca ne te derange pas de ne pas avoir le courant " having the power cut off does not bother me" ou sois ca te derange " having the power cut off would be a catastrophy for me !" . Ensuite, pour la deuxieme question , tu peux dire par example " i would take a book and read, advance my homework, play with my siblings etc. " Et pour la 3 eme question, dis simplement comment tu reagirais, donc par example " not having any power would upset me very much" ou " i think it could have a bright side because it disconnects me from internet"
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Ensuite, pour la deuxieme question , tu peux dire par example " i would take a book and read, advance my homework, play with my siblings etc. "
Et pour la 3 eme question, dis simplement comment tu reagirais, donc par example " not having any power would upset me very much" ou " i think it could have a bright side because it disconnects me from internet"
Voila c'est juste quelques idees