Bonjours pouvez m ‘aider svp voici mon travail: donner des conseils à des ados en anglais pour une bonne hygiène de vie (sport, alimentation…), expliquer ce que tu veux que les gens fassent et dans quel but.
Réponse :bonjour voici un petit texte n’he Pas à me dire si tu veux plus d’info
hello today I will give you advice to have a healthy lifestyle, a good diet, a sporting life. First of all to have a healthy lifestyle wash your teeth 2 times a day minimum 1 time in the morning and once in the evening, wash your hands regularly, after going to the toilet, after going outside. to have a good diet try not to eat between meals, not to eat too dirty, avoid eating too much candy, and not to deprive yourself but faure of the sport. will try to have a physical activity like rancid and soccer
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Réponse :bonjour voici un petit texte n’he Pas à me dire si tu veux plus d’info
hello today I will give you advice to have a healthy lifestyle, a good diet, a sporting life. First of all to have a healthy lifestyle wash your teeth 2 times a day minimum 1 time in the morning and once in the evening, wash your hands regularly, after going to the toilet, after going outside. to have a good diet try not to eat between meals, not to eat too dirty, avoid eating too much candy, and not to deprive yourself but faure of the sport. will try to have a physical activity like rancid and soccer
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