Niveau 4e pour demain ! // bonsoir et merci d’avance j’ai des questions à rendre avec un texte voici le texte et les questions :
(Texte) Hello! My name is Charles Ispwapwa. I'm 11 years old. I live in Kibera, a neighbourhood in Nairobi, with my aunt and cousins. 7:15 A.M. I arrive at school. The students are supposed to get to school early to get organised before the teacher arrives at 8:00. We pray and sing songs before our first lesson, which is math. We are learning multiplication. 9:30 A.M. We take our first break. I run around and play tag' with my friends. Then, it's back to class for our 10 English lesson. After, we take another 15-minute break. 11:45 A.M. Today, instead of our usual Swahili' lesson, my class is learning about hygiene. 12:30 P.M. Now it's time for either arts and crafts or French lessons. 15 1:30 P.M. For lunch, my teacher serves me a big bowl of mixed beans and corn. I, and others, pay extra to stay at school until 3:10 to get help from my teacher. 4:00 P.M. When I get home from school, I do my chores. I walk to a well to collect water. I also shop for dinner and wash dishes. When I'm done". I play soccer with my friends.
Question a)read the title. What is it about ?
b)read the text and title , circle the times of the day.
c) Souligne en bleu "math" "English lesson" "Swahili' lesson" "arts and crafts or French lessons"
d) Souligne en noir "We pray and sing songs" "We take our first break. I run around and play tag' with my friends" "my class is learning about hygiene" "For lunch, my teacher serves me a big bowl of mixed beans and corn. I, and others, pay extra to stay at school until 3:10 to get help from my teacher." "I do my chores" "I walk to a well to collect water. I also shop for dinner and wash dishes" "I play soccer with my friends"
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Merci vraiment et tqt pour la a) j’essayerai de me débrouiller seule
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Réponse :
Je n'ai pas le titre (question a) mais je vais quand même tenter d'y répondre.
a) It's about Charles' schedule.
b) Entoure "7:15 A.M." "8:00" "9:30 A.M." "11:45 A.M." "12:30 P.M." "1:30 P.M." "3:10" "4:00 P.M."
c) Souligne en bleu "math" "English lesson" "Swahili' lesson" "arts and crafts or French lessons"
d) Souligne en noir "We pray and sing songs" "We take our first break. I run around and play tag' with my friends" "my class is learning about hygiene" "For lunch, my teacher serves me a big bowl of mixed beans and corn. I, and others, pay extra to stay at school until 3:10 to get help from my teacher." "I do my chores" "I walk to a well to collect water. I also shop for dinner and wash dishes" "I play soccer with my friends"