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Kevin arrive à déjouer les plans des deux voleurs ( Mary et Marvin) , il saccage la maison familial en y plaçant énormément de piège ( a ours, voiture, billes, colle....). Il ce fait aider du vieux voisin dont il avait tellement peur, la police arrive et attrape les voleurs. Sa mère le rejoint le lendemain, au moment ou Kevin regardait sous le sapin.
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Kevin succeed on outmaneuvering the two burglars ( Mary and Marvin ), he wreck the family house by placing plenty of traps (bears, cars, small balls, glue...). The old neighbor helps him, the police come and catch the thieves. His mother joins him the day after, just when Kevin was looking under the tree.
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Kévin arrives at foiling the plans of the two thieves (Mary and Marvin) he ransacked the family home by placing enormous trap (a bear, car, ball, glues ....). He gets help from old neighbor he had so afraid, the police arrive and catch the thieves .Its mother joined the next day when Kevin was looking under the tree
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