February 2021 0 100 Report
Bonsoir quelqu'un peut me corriger mes fautes d'anglais svp ? I'm going to speak about de notion myths and heros. First of all I would like to give a quick difinition about this notion.myth can be defined as a story about gods or heros. It can be a popular belief or a traditionn, or false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a superhero, an icon or a person who is admired for hIS or hER actions. He or she can have super power or just lof of courage. We are to focus of the myths and precisely about the myths of Subrbia.
What makes Surburbia is a full myths ?

We can say that the surburbia is utopia. The surbuban are generaly issue of the upper or middle class. They have a luxiuous life beaucause they have lot of goods like a big frige, a big cars, a big garden. we have seen this in a picture in class. We seen a picture of a suburbia with a big car next to the housse, and rainbow in the sky. With this picture we have seen the magic and the ideal facet of the surburb.
The myths of suburbia, have an other ideal of life, they have a ideal familly. A good parents whose are very present in the life of their two childrens. The father went to work ( the travel is fire of the house it that why we say that the suburban commute), and the mother is a house wife. She wait the retourn of thire husband, and has taken over the children's education. In class we seen too a publicity of Levittown family in 1948, we can see a wife withe her children whose was perfect, they had typic clothes of a perfect familly. The boy had a shirt with short. The girl had dress, a blond hair with pony tail. We can say that when people buy a houss in suburbia, they buy a dream, and promise of future

This myth is criticized a lot by americain. We can see that in lof of films or tv show like The Simpson, Malcom, but I’am going to focus an Deperate housewives that I studie for a presentation in class, I will see in what this TV show criticizes americain suburb. This tv show are related about a life of the womens group, they live in Wisteria Lan so a suburbia of fairview. We can see the caricature in the women, the are not nice, they are not an exempl for their children, they lie, kill, drink. They childrens are also not perfect, we doe not find clichés of suburbian peaple, they have not blond haire with bunches. On contrary childrenn can are very nasty, a different image that we have. Even they live in luxious houses, sometimes, they are hit by the poverty . It is this that the myths are criticzed.

To conclue I could say that Americaine like and hate the surbubia, it is a dream which are very shade, even they critic suburbia, They continue to immortalize the myth, because a myth, it is also the history which cross the centuries . It is story with heroes, as the housewife or " perfect father working in the city " and anti hero as Homer Simpson or desperate housewives!
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