Bonsoir y a pas quelqu'un qui peux m'aider svpp c'est urgent sa fait 3 fois que je pose la même question : vous pouvez traduire ce dialogue ?? merci d'avance ( mais pas de traducteur svpp)
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-Good morning, can you present you? -Diana Tonali and I am a migrant who is comming from Mexico It has been for 9 years that in Los Angeles -What are you doing actualy? -I am farm since I live here and I have two kids. -Why did you migrate before 9 years? -We were to force, we had need money and my parents didn't find job in Mexico -What did you do, when you lived in Mexico? -Before to imigrate, I was 16 years old, so I stude -Why you parents didn't find job? -Because there was the crisis and they wanted to win money -How did you succeed to accross the bord? -We have to wait the night for going in boat, I can say that was the worse day of my life. -Ok thank you for your answers
1 votes Thanks 1
Mercii :) mais sinon quelle est ton niveau en anglais jute pour savoir ? Genre tu as combien de moyenne ?
Là je suis en 3ème et pour l'instant c'est le 2ème trimestre j'ai 18,6 de moyenne en anglais et je pense le remonter encore plus! Ne t'inquiète je suis Philippines et c'est une langue principale et officielle aux Philippines! ;)
Je me suis trompée dans la 4ème ligne c'est "That I live in Los Angeles" j'avais oublié le mot!
Vraiment je sais pas comment te remercier depuis toute à l'heure j'attendais des réponses et y en a qui m'a répondu et qui n'a pas mis de réponses et une autre qui a répondu mais qui a oublier plusieurs phrases et toi sa a l'aire correcte ! Encore mercii :))
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-Diana Tonali and I am a migrant who is comming from Mexico
It has been for 9 years that in Los Angeles
-What are you doing actualy?
-I am farm since I live here and I have two kids.
-Why did you migrate before 9 years?
-We were to force, we had need money and my parents didn't find job in Mexico
-What did you do, when you lived in Mexico?
-Before to imigrate, I was 16 years old, so I stude
-Why you parents didn't find job?
-Because there was the crisis and they wanted to win money
-How did you succeed to accross the bord?
-We have to wait the night for going in boat, I can say that was the worse day of my life.
-Ok thank you for your answers