CETTE FOIS CVRAIMENT URGENTTTTT DEPUIS CE MATIN JE POSTE Décrire Alcatraz Island ce que c'est et utiliser le superlatif svp urgentttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
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Bonjour, combien de lignes dois-tu faire pour décrire Alcatraz ? Si c'est une seule : " Alcatraz was the most populate prison, Alcatraz had the better security in the world. "
genre je dirais Alcatraz was the most populate prison , alcatraz had the better security in the world ''je dit bien sa ???
Tu peux, mais je te conseil : " Alcatraz was the most famous prison. " "Alcatraz had the better security in the world. " J'ai juste séparé les 2 phrases, mais sinon, oui, tu dis ça. :)
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Si c'est une seule : " Alcatraz was the most populate prison, Alcatraz had the better security in the world. "