Coucou, j'ai un devoir pour demain en anglais, et sincèrement je comprend rien. merci d'avance pour ceux qui veux m'aider :) c'est N° 4 en bas de la page svp , question a,b,c merci
un grand MERCI a vous
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A- *they had to work without eating breakfast *they had to carry heavy things on their shoulders *they had to start working early in the morning b- *they were not allowed to rest *they were not allowed to take breaks c-*if they went to school one day, they would become wiser *if they went to school one day, they would be happy with their friends
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*they had to carry heavy things on their shoulders
*they had to start working early in the morning
b- *they were not allowed to rest
*they were not allowed to take breaks
c-*if they went to school one day, they would become wiser
*if they went to school one day, they would be happy with their friends