Hello ! Je bloque sur un exercice quelqu'un peut m'aider svp ?

Indiquez si les adjectifs qualificatifs sont épithètes ou attributs. Pensez à leur place par rapport au nom qu'ils qualifient!

a. Ireland has always enjoyed a dynamic and rich culture.

b. Irish music sounds so unique to me.

c. The Irish culture is internationally famous.

d. To me, it's an instinctive identification with the history of the country.

Mettez dans l'ordre les adjectifs entre parenthèses.

a. For many, Ireland is a (small / beautiful) island.

b. The country also has (large/green) fields.

c. I'm definitely a (Irish/young/happy) person.

d. I think it's a (brilliant/short) documentary about Irishness.

e. It contributes to fighting against (racial /harmful) stereotypes.

f. Contrary to popular opinion only a few Irish men have (red/short/curly) hair.

merci d’avance
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