Hello everyone, my name is Jessica Parker, I'm nineteen years old. I live with my mom's sister, my aunt, Carolina and her family. My parents dead in a car accident, when I was 8 years old, at the beginning I was in a Orphanage but my aunt managed to have my guard. She has eight childreen, Tayron, Calvin, Russel, Wildfreed, Brianna, Warren and both last ones, Kyline and Kris. They live in California, in a very, very big house. Aunt Carolina's husband is a movie producer, he's stay rarely in the house. I'm working fullday in a restaurant, to 50km to California, It's was very tiring but I need a lot of money. I'm get up at 6 o'clock and I come back around 10 p.m. In week-end, I stay home and I guard my little cousins or I go outside, to do shopping or meat my friends. Quelqu'un pourrait-il me corriger les fautes s'il vous plait ?

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