February 2021 0 91 Report
J'ai besoin de vous Utilise les superlatif pour découvrir les records de l'Australie:

Superlatif: The most + adjectif long
The +adjectif +EST pour les adjective courts

1)High + point
2,228 in New South Wales is .......................................................................

2) Isolated + city
Perth is .....................................................................................................

3)Near + city
Adelaide is ................................................................., it is 2,700 km away.

4) Spoken + language
Italian is the second ..................................................., after English.

5) Hot + part
The ........................... of the country is the North! (because Australian is in the Southern Hemisphere, so the season are reversed! ).

6) Famous + athlete
Cathy Freeman is Australia's ..............................................................................

7) One + Aboriginal Olympic champion
Cathy Freeman is ..............................................................................................
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