When I was young, I ate things like (un nom de nourriture que tu aimes) or (un nom de nourriture que tu aimes) that I really was kin on because it's (sweet, salty, fresh, tasty...). But there was also a lot of food that I didn't enjoy so much. For instance, (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas), (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas) or (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas) had really a bad taste to me: I guess it was too (salty, greasy, bitter, acid...).
But beyond all of this, my favorite thing in the world was (le nom de la nourriture que tu préfères). Anyway, there isn't just bad or good food. For exemple, on a daily basis, I had (un nom de nourriture que tu mangeais régulièrement mais que tu n'aimes pas particulièrement). That was ok...
There're still meals that I ate and liked back then and that I still do, but my tastes evolved, and today the thigs I eat are more like (des noms de nourriture que tu manges aujourd'hui et que tu aimes) !
Voilà, là tu as plus que 50 mots je crois,
Bon courage pour ton anglais !
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Merci beaucoup !! Ça va beaucoup m'aider :)
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Hello !
Par exemple tu peux écrire :
When I was young, I ate things like (un nom de nourriture que tu aimes) or (un nom de nourriture que tu aimes) that I really was kin on because it's (sweet, salty, fresh, tasty...). But there was also a lot of food that I didn't enjoy so much. For instance, (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas), (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas) or (un nom de nourriture que tu n'aimes pas) had really a bad taste to me: I guess it was too (salty, greasy, bitter, acid...).
But beyond all of this, my favorite thing in the world was (le nom de la nourriture que tu préfères). Anyway, there isn't just bad or good food. For exemple, on a daily basis, I had (un nom de nourriture que tu mangeais régulièrement mais que tu n'aimes pas particulièrement). That was ok...
There're still meals that I ate and liked back then and that I still do, but my tastes evolved, and today the thigs I eat are more like (des noms de nourriture que tu manges aujourd'hui et que tu aimes) !
Voilà, là tu as plus que 50 mots je crois,
Bon courage pour ton anglais !