je dois raconter mes vacances de noel en 5 lignes en anglais je suis en 5 eme pour moi cette matiere et trop difficile pourriez vous m aider merci beaucoups
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During my holidays, I went shopping to buy some presents for my family. I celebrated Christmas Eve at my uncle with my mother, my father, my grandparents and my cousins and we ate meat and frits. As input, we ate snails, anf for dessert, an ice. I had a computer, a joystick and lot of money!!
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merci bcp lilou !!! comment dois je faire si j ai un probléme et que je dois revenir sur le site je tapes koi dans la barre de recherche!!!
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I celebrated Christmas Eve at my uncle with my mother, my father, my grandparents and my cousins and we ate meat and frits. As input, we ate snails, anf for dessert, an ice. I had a computer, a joystick and lot of money!!