Jesus e seus discípulos voltaram outra vez a Jerusalém. E andando Jesus pelo templo, acercaram-se dele os príncipes dos sacerdotes, os escribas e os anciãos,e perguntaram-lhe: "Com que direito fazes isto? Quem te deu autoridade para fazer essas coisas?".
Resposta:Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem again. And as Jesus walked through the temple, the princes of the priests, the scribes and the elders approached him, and asked him, "With what right do you do this? Who gave you the authority to do these things?"
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Resposta:Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem again. And as Jesus walked through the temple, the princes of the priests, the scribes and the elders approached him, and asked him, "With what right do you do this? Who gave you the authority to do these things?"
Explicação:espero ter ajudado!