Coucou pouvez-vous m'aidez écrire une lettre en Anglais surtout que j'ai du mal à le faire :/ .Le sujet : Imaginez que vous allez en Australie . Ecrivez une lettre à la famille qui vas vous héberger . Dites ce que vous voulez visitez et faire comme activité . Précisez si vous avez dejà ou non fait ces activités . Puis exprimez vos sentiments à l'aide de quelques expressions . Voilà Merci encore de votre aide .
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Hello I hope you are well. First of all, I want to thank you for receiving me at your home, because it is a great occasion for me to discover another culture, another country, and because this will be the first time I can do it. I've never been so far before... When I'll be in Australia, I would really like to visit Sydney, but it would also be very interesting for me to visit farms because I know they are diferent from ours.
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I hope you are well. First of all, I want to thank you for receiving me at your home, because it is a great occasion for me to discover another culture, another country, and because this will be the first time I can do it. I've never been so far before...
When I'll be in Australia, I would really like to visit Sydney, but it would also be very interesting for me to visit farms because I know they are diferent from ours.
et c'est à toi de continuer