Bonjour veuillez m'aider merci prenez soin de vous coronavirus et bonne fete merciii Transforme les phrases suivantes en négations (5 points).

1. My parents bought a very big Christmas tree last year.
2. They gave me my presents after dinner.
3. I went to the cinema with my cousins.
4. She flew from Madrid to celebrate Christmas with us.
5. We had a great time together.

Réponds aux questions en utilisant "ago" (10 points)

1. When did you come to Las Vegas? (2015)
2. When did she begin playing golf? (2000)
3. When did he die? (1990)
4. When did they win the Paralympics? (2007)
5. When did Shakespeare write Romeo and Juliet? (1597)

Reformule les phrases suivantes avec un pronom relatif afin de les améliorer (5 points)

1. Shakespeare created a theatre company. It was called "Lord Chamberlain's Men".
2. Queen Victoria had a son called Edward. He became King when his mother died.
3. Thomas Edison patented more than 1,000 inventions. We use his inventions today.
4. Amelia Earhart was an American aviator. She was the first woman to fly over the Atlantic.
5. Warhol painted Marilyn Monroe's portrait. It is very famous and expensive.

Utilise les éléments pour former des phrases au comparatif d'égalité ou d'infériorité (5 points)

1. His films / his books / = remarkable
2. This smartphone / this tablet / < colourful
3. Edison / Tesla / = intelligent
4. The National Gallery / the Louvres / = popular
5. Nikola Tesla / Steve Jobs / < influential

Traduis les phrases suivantes en anglais (5 points)

1. Il était un dramaturge célèbre.
2. Il a amélioré l'ampoule électrique.
3. Ses inventions brevetées sont très utiles.
4. La scène se passait dans un musée.
5. La rivalité entre les deux hommes était incroyable.
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