Meu professor de inglês pediu para fazermos um trabalho onde iremos dar 4 sugestões de lugares legais em perth para um amigo que está viajando para lá, e devemos usar os modal verbs suggestions. Eu fiz as 4 sugestões e só queria que alguém fluente veja se está correto as frases e se não está, oq eu posso mudar, agradeço.
1- You should go to Kings park, it is a very calm and beautiful place to think about life.
2- You could also visit the Pinnacles Desert, the place has many huge rocks with strange shapes, and at night it has a wonderful view !
3- You might visit the Bell Tower in Perth, Australia; it offers stunning panoramic views of the city.
4- You could check out the DNA Tower Climb in Perth, Australia; it's a fantastic experience!
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Verified answer
Suas frases estão bem formuladas, mas algumas delas podem ser ajustadas para soar mais naturais em inglês. Aqui estão as frases revisadas:
1- You should go to Kings Park; it's a very peaceful and beautiful place to contemplate life.
2- You could also visit the Pinnacles Desert, where you'll find numerous large rocks with unusual shapes. At night, the view is breathtaking!
3- You might want to visit the Bell Tower in Perth, Australia; it offers stunning panoramic views of the city.
4- You could check out the DNA Tower Climb in Perth, Australia; it's a fantastic experience!
As alterações são principalmente relacionadas à fluidez e à organização das frases. Mas no geral, suas sugestões são ótimas!