Quando você encontra alguém especial e se apaixona por essa pessoa, você começa a construir um relacionamento com os cuidados de quem constrói uma Maravilha. Seus materiais básicos são constituídos de muito Amor, Companheirismo e Dedicação. Até que um dia algo terrível acontece, jogando por terra toda sua construção. É desalentador e faz mesmo pensar que todo seu trabalho fora em vão. Mas isso é ledo engano: se construístes tudo realmente com beleza e pureza de sentimento, restará ainda uma magnífica Amizade. Assim como as mais majestosas construções da Humanidade deixaram suntuosas ruínas das quais cuidamos e admiramos, a Amizade fruto de um Amor de verdade, deve e merece ser preservada.
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When you meet someone special and fall in love with that person, you begin to build a relationship with the care of those who build a Marvel.
Their basic materials are made up of a lot of Love, Fellowship and Dedication.
Until one day something terrible happens, throwing down all its construction.
It is discouraging and makes thoughts for all the work for the world.
But this is a little more important: if you build everything with beauty and purity of feeling, there will still be a magnificent Friendship.
As the most majestic constructions of Humanity have left sumptuous ruins of which we care and admire, a friendship fruit of a true Love, develops and preserves itself
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Their basic materials are made up of a lot of Love, Fellowship and Dedication.
Until one day something terrible happens, throwing down all its construction.
It is discouraging and makes thoughts for all the work for the world.
But this is a little more important: if you build everything with beauty and purity of feeling, there will still be a magnificent Friendship.
As the most majestic constructions of Humanity have left sumptuous ruins of which we care and admire, a friendship fruit of a true Love, develops and preserves itself
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