ACT 2: MATCH ADJECTIVES TO REASONS: ARROGANT BOSSY SELFISH RUDE NICE STUBBORN CLEVER GENEROUS RELIABLE POLITE Have good manners Always tell people what to do Good, friendly, kind Give a lot to people-Share things You think you are more important than other people People can depend or count on you doing something Never change his/her mind Not have good manners. Never say "thank you/please" Good at learning and understanding things. Only thinks about yourself and not care about other people
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Réponse :
Je pense que c'est ça :
Polite : Have good manners
Arrogant: You think you are more important than other people
Bossy: Always tell people what to do
Selfish: Only thinks about yourself and not care about other people
Rude: Never say "thank you/please"
Nice: Good, friendly, kind
Stubborn: Never change his/her mind
Clever: Good at learning and understanding things
Generous: Give a lot to people-Share things
Reliable: People can depend or count on you doing something